After making a Pineapple mini quilt and runner recently, I decided to make a lap sized quilt using a cute pattern by Jackie Padesky.
I already had plenty of yellow and green fabrics so just needed some white for the background.
Last week, I finished sewing the yellow pineapple blocks.I already had plenty of yellow and green fabrics so just needed some white for the background.
Then got the quilt pin basted ready for quilting.
I found the perfect yellow backing for the quilt to match the bright colour of the pineapples.
For the quilting, I did a simple cross hatch which kind of resembled the texture of a pineapple and then bound it in some of the teal green.
And because I live in Australia and we have a great love for "Big Things" this has now been renamed "The Big Pineapple Quilt" in honour of the iconic Pineapple at Nambour in Queensland.
Above photo courtesy of @carrose on IG
Linking up with Fabric Tuesday @ Quiltstory.

This was on my FAL Q1 list for this year so linking up with the 2016 FAL team.