Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Marmalade Triple-Zip Pouch

My sewing machine has arrived back home after being serviced - apparently there was a lot of thread caught up which I couldn't see which may explain why I have been having so many tension issues lately!! 
I immediately sewed up a project that I have been meaning to do for quite a while now, which was another one of Debbies Triple -zip pouches.
So now I have a matching pair of these to give to my nieces for Christmas gifts. This was also the last project on my 3rd quarter FAL list hosted by Leanne at She Can Quilt.

Fresh Poppy Design
Linking to Fabric Tuesday at Quiltstory.


  1. A machine back from a service is like a new machine! Great job on the triple zips! The colours are wonderful!

  2. Beautiful! I love Marmalade but only got to use it once in a bee block.

  3. Glad your machine is feeling less choked up!

  4. woot for working machines! Always exciting to get those things off your list!

    ~Susan @theboredzombie.com

  5. Great pouches...lovely colors. And yay for getting your machine back in working order! =)
